Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Late night project

Finally found the right combination for a graphic design project I'm working on for a friend. I'm making a postcard, flyer and poster. Once I get the sign-off, I'll post it here! : )

Sunday, July 26, 2009

2009 San Diego Comic-Con - At the moment

End of the Con right now. I might post some more photos, but had to write this.

I'm sitting in a huge (but quiet) room, with a small group of people having a conversation with Jim Lee as he sketches and talks about his career and drawing. This guy has been around for 23 years and is friendly and warm and chatting it up.

150,000 people left early and missed one of the most memorable seminars of the Con.

THE best way to end the weekend!

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2009 San Diego Comic-Con - The Sketch!

It probably doesn't look like much, but watching an artist you admire create something for you is rewarding (especially when the guy is from France).
One of the Con's strengths as an event is there is a good chance you'll meet one of your favorite artists in person. (See previous posts for possible downside)

In myu opinion, a sketch is better that any book you can buy. You get to see the act of creation right in front of you and you have an original piece of art in its simplest form.

Thanks to Lewis Trondheim!

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2009 San Diego Comic-Con - Predator

This predator is a little short, but he as with a pack of 8 all dressed the same.

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San Diego Comic-Con - Transformers

This was a great costume. Must have been heavy to wear.

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2009 San Dieg Comic-Con - Drawing Seminars

Yesterday had a lot of good drawing workshops with artists giving demos on technique and other thoughts on "how-to". It always revitalizes me to start drawing.

Shot is overexposed, camphone had hard time with lighting.

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Saturday, July 25, 2009

The Idol

Another shot of the idol...I love this little guy!

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2009 San Diego Comic-Con - Jon Favreau

Look! I got almost 100 yards close to him actor/director of Iron Man)! He was doing interviews at the G4 TV booth.

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San Diego Comic-Con - Leonard Nimoy

A quickly shot photo of Spock, but quick equals blurry. : (

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2009 San Diego Comic-Con - Throw me the Idol!....

Remember the line in Raiders of the Lost Ark? No scene better set the tone of the movie better that when Indy is taking the idol from the pedestal.

If you look closely, you can see it is a fertility idol.

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2009 San Diego Comic-Con - Mr. Freeze

This guy was walking around the convention floor. You know a good costume when a crowd of people taking pictures.

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2009 San Diego Comic-Con - Body Worlds crew

I caught up to Mr. Anatomy and the Body Worlds crew outside the Convention Center! He was very popular with people taking lots of pictures with him.

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2009 Comic-Con - Lewis Trondheim

Usually, I'm pretty apprehensive to meeting artists I admire. I have found in some cases the quote "you don't want to meet your heroes" is true at the Con. In this case, Mr Trondheim was very courteous and signed and sketched in a book (Bourbon Island) for me. I'll add the sketch later.

His panel was great and although attendance was light, the crowd seemed pleased.

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2009 San Diego Comic-Con - HA!

The Fringe (TV show) laser pointer from the FOX TV booth! In your face you-know-who! You should've stayed.

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2009 Comic-Con - Freebee photo #2

Just another photo of the freebee table... I'm hearibg they're having record turnout. I saw the news say 186,000 people. Sometimes it's packed and othertimes it's surpisingly open. Overall, they are doing an great job with crowd control and line management. The secret
is to be patient.

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2009 San Diego Comic-Con - Freebee table!

Each year there is a table of freebees which on its best days are buttons and posters. Otherwise it's mostly postcards and flyer promoting everything here. You get t see some interesting promotions, and if you don't take the time to expose yourself to new artists etc here, youvreally miss out on the best part of the con - the pleasant surprise of finding a new favorite (anything)!

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2009 San Diego Comic-Con - G4 Live

A shot of the G4 tv studio booth shootin live at the Con with host/reporter Blair Butler (comics reporter) and Blair Herter (news). Great show! I wathched them interview actor Seth Green (creator of Robot Chicken)

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2009 San Diego Comic-Con - Small Press area

(My phone was tired (no charge) Friday, hence no posts).

Anyway, this is one of my favorite areas. The small press area has about 100 indy artists that are trying to promote their books, they have comics, mini comics, buttons, posters and anyhting else you can think of!

This is a must visit to see some young artists trying to make their way.

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Friday, July 24, 2009

Thursday, July 23, 2009

2009 San Diego - Comic-Con - movie preview and con floor pic

(Unrelated to photo) Just saw movie preview for Top Shelf graphic novel "surrogates" (w/ Bruce Willis) looks good! People live through their networked robots...

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San Diego Comic-Con - breaktime

When you get tired sometimes you just gotta sit down and put down your backpacks.....and star-spangled shield.

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2009 San Diego Comic-Con - Transformer

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2009 San Diego Comic Con - Bartman!

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2009 San Diego Comic-Con - Gollum

You can order your very own 2 foot tall bronze Gollum for your living room! Design THAT house!

(He's from Lord of the Rings by the Way)
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2009 San Diego Comic-Con Star Wars Lego Clone Trooper

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2009 San Diego Comic Con - It's called contact juggling

Standing in line behind this guy....I hope the video works!

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San Diego Comic-Con - I don't know

...But it looks interesting!

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2009 San Diego Comic-Con - Green Hornet movie

His car..Seth Rogan as GH?

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San Diego Comic-Con - Overview Wed morning

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San Diego Comic-Con - booth display

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San Diego Comic-Con - Iron Man 2 Real Deal

....And the booth!

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2009 San Diego Comic-Con - Irom Man 2 poster

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2009 San Diego Comic-Con - Google

Even Google is part of the action (thanks Google for the free wifi, and blog, and email, etc.).

Although not modeled after my family (who are awesome). I have a corporate model I'm working on: Sometimes I call Microsoft my "corporate father" (stern, unforgiving, authoritative) and Starbucks my "corporate mother" (nurturing, comfortable, help start your day off right). So, I've come to the conclusion that I think Google is my "corporate uncle" (kinda cool, thinks he knows a lot, does a little bit of everything).

What do you think? Who are your corporate parents?

2009 San Diego Comic-Con - The Stargate!

I took lots of exhibit photos Wed night. I'm working hard trying to keep my hand steady in the crowd.

My bro and I are fans and tried to get a photo of us, but the kind person taking the photo had shaky hands and it turned out blurry. We're trying again today.

The exhibit hall was packed, as the free comic suggested, Green Lantern is the popular superhero of the con (that dude's everyywhere!). I got into the "chase the freebee mode" I'll post my findings later. : )

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Wednesday, July 22, 2009

2009 San Diego Comic-Con - Cockroach

I honestly don't know why a plastic cockroach is on display, the booth looked like a horror movie promotion.

I'm getting bumped around so much! I keep getting blurry pictures! : )

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2009 San Diego Comic-Con Costume Mad Hatter

Another costumed person.....

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2009 San Diego Comic-Con - Balloon Hat

Not many costumes today. Everyone chose comfort over production value!

The balloon hat was the best I could find so far...

Here's some of the line..I'm not in it, I have found a better and much more comfortable spot (not braggin', just sayin')

2009 San Diego Comic-Con - Got the Badge!

This is the free #0 introductory issue of Blackest Night, a new storyline for Green Lantern, sounds like a cool story... Here at Comic-Con the line moves fast and they're getting people in smoothly to enjoy the A/C.

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Hanging out in line

Me and 5,000 others... : )

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2009 San Diego Comic-Con - Branded!

Maryjanes at Hard Rock Hotel was branded with SyFy channel's tv show Eureka! Picket fence, cut-out characters, and the shows "Carpe Diem" cafe sign. Too funny
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2009 San Diego Comic-Con - Chalk Art 2

It's a cool perspective chalk art drawing.
Photo is from a slightly better view. I'm guessing this will have someone's brand next to it.

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2009 San Diego Comic-Con - Chalk Art

Found this morning by 5th and L st

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2009 San Diego Comic-Con

Posting photos and comments at 2009 Comic Con.
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Sunday, July 19, 2009